Synchronicity's first project
Synchronicity Performance Group has choses for its first project a reflection on one of the most emotional and divisive issues on the political agenda today: crime. We are using the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky as a springboard for exploring these issues in today's society. Our next step is to incorporate stories of modern day "criminals," which will be culled from interviews with people who have been involved in "criminal" activities or convicted of a crime, as well as thoses who are affected by crime. Our purpose in incorporating these modern stories is to parallel and contrast the important issues of crime, retribution, and redemption as addressed in the novel. We hope to raise questions as well as to provide food for thought for the audience rather than to be judgemental or to draw conclusions.
Cast + Crew

Frank Banham
Mikolka, Mormeledov, various roles

Rachel Hayes
Sonia, various roles

Hope Mirlis
Alyona Ivanovna, Razumihin, various roles

Melinda Moss
various roles

Maria Moss
various roles

Julia Oshins
Lizaveta, Porfiny, various roles

Saxon Palmer
Rachel Hayes
Hope Mirlis
Melinda Moss
props, sound effects
Maria Moss
props, sound effects
Julie Ishins
Michele Pearce