Bridget and her partner Wyn have returned to Bridget's hometown for her mother's funeral. Bridget learns that she has inherited the house and vegetable garden and finds she must reconcile her own deep-seated fears about family and identity before the Garden will let her leave.
Rachel Graf Evans is a writer and theatre artist from Westtown, PA. Atlanta Playwriting: The Right Kind of Marigold (Working Title Playwrights 24h Plays); [If You Don't Know] The Pledge (Atlanta One-Minute Play Festival @ Actor's Express). RGE currently serves as the Dramatists Guild Young Ambassador for Atlanta, is a member of Working Title Playwrights, and was a 2016-17 Horizon Theatre Playwright Apprentice. She is also a Third Culture Kid (raised in Jerusalem and Jakarta), Quaker, barbershop singer, and general creative enthusiast. Oberlin College B.A. with High Honors: Theatre/Gender, Sexuality, & Feminist Studies. Stay tuned,
Cast + Crew

Rachel Graf Evans

Dani Herd